Friday, May 24, 2013

Reflecting on a road less traveled - the road of a CES

A big shout out and thank you to all the CESs that made it to the reflection last night. With a focus on, essentially, what your road traveled as a CES has been and what the legacy you are leaving behind is, we tried to get everyone to think and reflect on the progress they have made and what they have learned on their CES journey. Since next reflection we will be meeting and coming together with Mary Jane's next saga or installment of engaged students, we tried to come full circle and get people to reflect in order to determine how their efforts have paved the way for their followers, for the Mary Jane Institute in general, and also how their expectations, successes, roadblocks, etc. have not only contributed to their respective programs, but also their self growth, and development as an individual. Together, the culmination of our experiences and tribulations compile the many significant footprints that we have all left on the CES road, and thus the legacy we are leaving behind as we venture out into the world to tackle new challenges and adventures. On that note, we wish you all the best of luck! You are all inspiring, intelligent, and influential people that are developing the tools to change the world. Don't forget it, and continue on your journey with an open mind and an open heart.